Trust Thyself – A Path of Healing and Self Regulation

We have the gift of so many kinds and qualities of attention of the mind and, as healers, how well do we use them? It’s in assessing the situation clearly, without prejudice, that we gain information that informs our response and our next action. Our ability to be fully present yet unattached to the outcome of the situation is often skewed by … [Read more...]

Deep Healing is just that – Deep!

Deep healing is akin to deep listening. To get to the level of healing that’s required to heal trauma in yourself you have to first open to yourself and listen deeply, patiently with compassion and forgiveness. This, deep and active listening, in itself, is a challenge and a particularly trying one for someone who is suffering with post traumatic … [Read more...]

Your Inner Sanctuary – A Place of Sacred Connection

Inner space is the quiet space at the centre of your life. A space that only you can access and shape into a safe and sacred Inner Sanctuary that offers you a retreat from the busy-ness of the world where you can connect with what matters to you and renew yourself on a regular basis. At Kaizen Leadership Institute,   we help you restore your … [Read more...]

11 Things You Can Do to Heal the Divine Feminine Within

If health is the capacity to take responsibility for oneself, then wellness, is the appreciation and awareness of ourselves as healthy - feeling physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned. When this is the case, we are our authentic selves, acting mindfully with confidence and a sense of purpose, in … [Read more...]