Love as Medicine – Thoughts on how to Enhance Immune Function

It has been said that… “Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin How can it be so? We, along with everything else, live in, contribute to and are sustained by the universal energy field. Signals from this universal field or environment affect our state of being…we are in … [Read more...]

In Giving We Receive–Therapeutic Touch®, Mindfulness Practice in Action

In my early days of learning Therapeutic Touch, I discovered its brilliance and was in awe at the wisdom of its founders, Dolores Krieger, RN, PhD and her mentor, Dora Kunz. It was at a Practice Group meeting in the middle of offering a healing session that I realized quite suddenly that in this simple act of helping another, I felt better – I … [Read more...]

Therapeutic Touch – Mindfulness Practice in Action

Therapeutic Touch® is a holistic, evidence-based, integrative therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well-being in all aspects of the individual: body, emotions, mind and spirit. Developed in the early 1970’s through the pioneering work of Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN, a professor … [Read more...]

Inner Wisdom and How to Access It

Underneath the busyness of our everyday lives and the incessant mental chatter, we are all infinitely wise and inherently intelligent. The greatest difficulty to accessing our inner wisdom is in stilling the mind  and getting out of our own way, as learned from personal experience and then witnessed in my clients over the last ten years of coaching … [Read more...]

Allowing vs Controlling – Attitude in Health and Healing

A human being is a multi-dimensional, complex system of systems consisting of over 70 trillion individual cells.  This rather simple representation of a complex system may help illumine and enable informed decision making for improved quality of life.  Recognizing that, in solution, a cell can make only one of three simple choices: move … [Read more...]

Empowering Healers as Leaders and Leaders as Healers

Project lead for the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario’s inaugural CARE 150, Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week, May 1 – 7, 2017,  Kaizen Leadership Institute’s founder, Julia von Flotow, is walking her talk when it comes to healers being leaders. Julia believes in “leading the change you want to see in the world”…. change that can make a … [Read more...]

Self Care – Enlightened Self-Interest

Self care, as a personal commitment and practice, is an expression of respecting and honoring the Self. Cats have a lot to teach us in this domain! Our attitude and outlook towards life, the quality of our energy, vitality and general condition will let us know, if we’re attentive, what we need to move towards balance in every moment.  The … [Read more...]

Vitality is Life: Some Conditions Apply!

 There’s no season that teaches us more about vitality than Spring when nature’s primal life-giving force is irrepressible and the growing conditions are just right to activate earth’s inherent fecundity in an explosion of colour, scent and growth everywhere around us. Nature’s abundant generosity stirs us awake at our very core, and inspired by … [Read more...]

The Best Medicine: Relax and Focus on What Excites You!

Taming the ‘monkey mind”, entering the stillness, quieting the mind, finding inner peace may all be ways of saying the same thing….the experience of Mindfulness, defined in 2003 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who popularized it in North America as,   “Paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment.” So … [Read more...]

Beliefs that Limit or Empower – Your Choice!

A belief is a composite view or mindset that consists of a set of ideas or assumptions, theories we assume to be true. The belief you hold may be implicit and underlying expressed through our attitude and behaviour shaped by early conditioning – what we witnessed and observed in our families and internalized growing up as impressionable and … [Read more...]