Deep healing is akin to deep listening. To get to the level of healing that’s required to heal trauma in yourself you have to first open to yourself and listen deeply, patiently with compassion and forgiveness. This, deep and active listening, in itself, is a challenge and a particularly trying one for someone who is suffering with post traumatic … [Read more...]
Deep Healing is just that – Deep!
May 13, 2015 by Julia von Flotow
Filed Under: Blog, Coaching, Healing Tagged With: ACTIVE LISTENING, COMPASSION, CONNECTION, DEEP LISTENING, emotional intelligence, energy healing, HEALER, HEALING SPACE, mindfulness, PAIN MANAGEMENT, POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, PTSD, self knowledge, SELF-FORGIVENESS, SELF-HEALING, spiritual healing, Therapeutic Touch, TRAUMA, UNIVERSAL HEALING FIELD