As defines it, Spirit is “the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul”. To “inspirit” means “to animate with fresh courage, to encourage, urge on or stir up, as to action.” Inspiration has a similar meaning “stimulation or arousal of the mind or feelings to … [Read more...]
The Power of the Circle
Today I want to write about the circle and what it evokes in me. The circle, as symbol, metaphor and as a living and dynamic form is “alive”. A circle has no beginning and no end. It is an open system; a symbol of wholeness, integration, oneness, eternal, presence and continuous self-renewal and as Rumi so beautifully expressed, the circle is … [Read more...]
Acknowledgement – a Powerful Medicine!
The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of appreciation and self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. To acknowledge and be … [Read more...]
Awakening to Choice is Self-Empowering
Awakening to Choice is a beautiful piece of anonymous prose I received from a friend and share it here with you. It's inspirational in its wisdom and resonates with the shifts in perspective many of my coaching clients tell me they experience. The piece gives expression to the process of awakening and accepting responsibility for choice, that's at … [Read more...]