It has been said that… “Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin How can it be so? We, along with everything else, live in, contribute to and are sustained by the universal energy field. Signals from this universal field or environment affect our state of being…we are in … [Read more...]
Deep Healing is just that – Deep!
Deep healing is akin to deep listening. To get to the level of healing that’s required to heal trauma in yourself you have to first open to yourself and listen deeply, patiently with compassion and forgiveness. This, deep and active listening, in itself, is a challenge and a particularly trying one for someone who is suffering with post traumatic … [Read more...]
The Power of the Circle
Today I want to write about the circle and what it evokes in me. The circle, as symbol, metaphor and as a living and dynamic form is “alive”. A circle has no beginning and no end. It is an open system; a symbol of wholeness, integration, oneness, eternal, presence and continuous self-renewal and as Rumi so beautifully expressed, the circle is … [Read more...]
The Healing Space and How to Create It
To create a healing space is to create the conditions for the possibility of healing to occur. In other words, healing is a state of being, of consciousness, that enables the client to access and engage their own “inner healer” and move towards wholeness, a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise. To create this kind of healing space is … [Read more...]