Balance is dynamic (not static) - a state of optimum health marked by rhythm and flow. Optimum wellness is the felt experience of body, emotions, mind and spirit in a state of coherence – a state of openness, expanded awareness accompanied by a sense of oneness with ALL THAT IS, a feeling of true freedom and perfect abundance. While many … [Read more...]
Imagination is the Heart’s Best Friend
February 15, 2018 by Julia von Flotow
Filed Under: Blog, Healing, Leadership Tagged With: ACTIVE LISTENING, Amygdala, Awaken Your Heart, awareness, BALANCE, BELIEFS, coaching, Compassion Intentionality, envision, GUIDED IMAGERY, HIDDEN BELIEFS, HOLISTIC HEALING, IMAGINATION, Mind Heart Alignment, Mindful Conscious Living, mindfulness, Subconscious Beliefs, Therapeutic Touch Training In Toronto, TRANSCENDENCE, vision
An Invitation to Open to the Magic of the Holiday Season
December 20, 2016 by Julia von Flotow
Give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of your life to open to the magic of the season. You owe it to yourself. Simply pause, tune inwards and take a few deep breaths to quiet your mind. Now, listen to your heart. Trust that it will guide you – move you to attend to that which wants your attention. Stay present to your heart and give … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Blog, Coaching, Healing, Leadership Tagged With: connectedness, give yourself permission, happiest moment, HAPPY, HEARTFULNESS, honour yourself, IMAGINATION, Intention, INTERCONNECTEDNESS, JOY, LOVE, magic of the season, MEDITATION, MINDFUL BREATHING, mindfulness, quiet mind, SELF LOVE, simple joys, unconditional love, vision, VISUALIZATION