Every living system is equipped with two modes of being – growth or defence. Peace and harmony are requisite conditions for growth. When these conditions are right, the living system’s growth experience has characteristic qualities of flow, rhythm, strength and symmetry. Growth, however can be frustrated, hindered or arrested by stress, triggered … [Read more...]
Healing Fatigue
When you are fatigued that’s it, you’re fatigued. There’s nothing more! In a state of fatigue, you are aware primarily of your inner state of extreme tiredness, which typically results from mental or physical overexertion or perhaps from a chronic condition or illness. Fatigue is marked by a lessening of joy or enthusiasm for something you … [Read more...]
Is Yours A Spiritual Hunger?
What do you really hunger for? It’s spiritual hunger I’m speaking of - a hunger for wholeness, balance and a sense of connectedness. When you've satisfied your spiritual hunger, you make do with a lot less of everything else, no longer needing or wanting to clutter up your life. How often, in your work-a-day life, do you live on automatic pilot, … [Read more...]
TT for Tokyo – Japan Welcomes Therapeutic TouchTM
Mariko Tsunoda, Executive of a long-term care facility, Naomi Ide and Etsuko Makita, Physiotherapists at the same facility, and Mayumi Kobayashi, Supervisor of a Rehabilitation Centre and First Response Operation took the 12 hour flight from Tokyo to Toronto to take Therapeutic Touch Level 1 and Level 2 with Julia von Flotow, TTRT, April 8 – 10, … [Read more...]
Just For Today, Put Yourself First
How often have you said to yourself and others, “after I do this, or once I’ve done that, then I’ll ….go for a walk, read a book, book a massage, take a trip, go out for a night on the town, take that course I’ve wanted to take, take some time off work etc…the list goes on. Ask yourself, “What am I letting get in the way?” If you’re like most … [Read more...]
The Healing Space and How to Create It
To create a healing space is to create the conditions for the possibility of healing to occur. In other words, healing is a state of being, of consciousness, that enables the client to access and engage their own “inner healer” and move towards wholeness, a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise. To create this kind of healing space is … [Read more...]
Vitality is Life: Some Conditions Apply!
There’s no season that teaches us more about vitality than Spring when nature’s primal life-giving force is irrepressible and the growing conditions are just right to activate earth’s inherent fecundity in an explosion of colour, scent and growth everywhere around us. Nature’s abundant generosity stirs us awake at our very core, and inspired by … [Read more...]
Embodied Wisdom – Your Body Loves You!
Awareness is the greatest agent of choice. You can get stressed by a million different things; all of which act as your system’s information up-setters and distorters. When you are healthy and relaxed, life energy flows freely and unobstructed, through you. Stress, illness or dis-ease are both contributing factors and an indication that there … [Read more...]
Wholeness ~ A Dynamic Balance
Wholeness is a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise that allows you to move with ease from one mode of consciousness to another, in response to changing internal or external conditions. Balance DOing and BEing There are two basic modes of consciousness that need to be in balance to allow for the felt experience of wholeness and balance. … [Read more...]
Benefits of Therapeutic Touch™ for Healthcare Professionals
Florence Nightingale knew the body to have its own innate intelligence and that the systems of the body are interrelated, functioning separately while at the same time, as a whole. She said “Nature alone cures, all we need do is create an environment for nature to do its work”. Therapeutic Touch assists the process of natural restoration, using a … [Read more...]