Therapeutic Touch Learning Journey

Kaizen Leadership InstituteThe Therapeutic Touch learning journey balances theory and practice, helping the dedicated student integrate and embody their learning through practice and reflection. In addition to learning a new healing modality, Therapeutic Touch provides a path to self-healing, discovery, transformation, empowerment and service in four stages:

“Each time I reach a milestone in my life, I pause to celebrate, honour my achievements strengthening my relation to my past and then move forward into a new space. The places I have passed through are forever there, remembered they give me strength and form the intricate spiral of my past, shaping my sense of self to enable my continuous unfolding.” Julia von Flotow

Stage One – Introduction to Therapeutic Touch Knowledge and Practice

Basic level workshops 1, 2 and 3 are taught in 1 day workshops of 8 – 12 hours with Level 3 taught in two formats (a day-long intensive or over 2 days for 14 hours. The two day format offers more time for exploration, discovery, sharing and integration.[Read More]

Stage Two – Practitioner Development Opportunities Development

Upon completing the Basic Level Curriculum, the dedicated student of Therapeutic Touch has two options. Some students, satisfied with what they’ve learned will commit to practice. Hospices and other social agencies welcome [Read More]

Stage Three – Committing to the Healer’s Path

If you want to go on with your studies and personal growth on the healing path, you can choose to become a Recognized Practitioner, Therapeutic Touch. To continue on this path, you must first become a member of [Read More]

For questions and to discuss your learning options contact Julia von Flotow at (416) 686-6463


“Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love.” Rumi

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