The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario (TTNO) is the regulatory body for Therapeutic Touch in Ontario. Practitioners listed here have completed their basic training with the Therapeutic Touch Institute, are members of the TTNO and use the name and TTNO logo as an indication that they comply with the TTNO Statement of Ethics.
Therapeutic Touch practitioners are independent healing practitioners, each with their own unique vision of how they, as Therapeutic Touch practitioners, will serve their communities. Please contact them directly:
Through her studies and her energy work, Monica has been at the bedside of people who are healing and those in end-of-life care. Having had her own near-death experience and many other moments of awakening, she knows the healing potential of Therapeutic Touch and kind, compassionate attention. Monica is available for assisting those who wish to boost their own inner resources and better integrate the busyness of daily life through Therapeutic Touch.
Please reach her at: 416-906-7363 or
Her expertise, passion, and favourite context for using Therapeutic Touch relates to end of life transitions and grief-related experiences.
Sheila can be contacted by email at:
Contact Nancy at 647 867-2112 or by email at
Contact Stephanie at 289-394-1000 or
Contact Ingrid at 647 688 9795 or by email:
Contact Michael at 647 261 8185 or by email:
Contact Pranita at 905-301-2479 or by email at
Contact: Vanessa at 416-703-9894 or by E-mail: