True Your Life

golden.lightRebalance Your Life with The Wheel of Life Self-Assessment Tool

When we are who we are, our lives are balanced and others are more able to perceive us, as we are, for we are consistently ourselves. The Wheel of Life Self-Assessment Tool provides you with an opportunity for self reflection and discovery.

Who are you?
What do you want?
What area of your life is nourishing you?
Where are you depleted?

Bicycle wheels, like lives, come in all kinds of sizes and styles…you have the speed bikes, the trail bikes and rail bikes, hybrid, touring and triathlon bikes, utility, city and freight bikes, messenger, mountain and military bikes, motorized, electric and artistic cycling bike – there’s a bike for every application!

Understanding basic bicycle wheel construction and repair gives us a model, a metaphor, for the Wheel of Life we use in the Kaizen Authentic Mindful Leadership Program. As with truing a bicycle wheel, the aim is to make small adjustments to help you rebalance your life and keep you riding smoothly, efficiently and stopping effectively.

As with anything, some lives are easier to true than others. Complexity, wear and tear, unproductive habits and abuse create stress and leave their mark. The greater the complexity or stress in your life, the more we recommend getting in touch for a preliminary free consultation. We’ve helped all kinds of people rebalance and transform their lives.

Truing Tools

A Wheel of Life Assessment Tool is all that’s needed to “straighten the wheel”. Before starting we suggest downloading the free audio Healing Pause Guided Meditation to help you stop effectively and be present to yourself in the moment so you can see more clearly.

To fix bicycle wheels, professional mechanics use what’s called a “truing stand” which supports the wheel, at chest height, during the assessment so they can sense any wobble in the wheel. If you have difficulties with the truing process, we can help. The safe, supportive and compassionate space created in a coaching relationship makes it easier for you to be honest and non-judgmental with yourself and give yourself permission to see both what’s working for you and identify the areas of your life where you want improvement.

Typical Life Problems

Living true to your values is a practice. Your day to day life takes you into places where you don’t feel like you fit – like a racing bike on mountain trails. Subjected to rough, unfavorable and stressful conditions, you may lose touch with what’s important to you, be more easily swayed by others and find yourself caving in, feeling depleted, overwhelmed and generally out of sorts. In the bicycle trade this is called a “warp” …in life, we may call it “My life feels out of whack” which, with the Wheel of Life Assessment, some coaching support and a little practice, you will be able to correct.

Serious Life Challenges

There are, of course, situations where your Life Balance is way off, similar to what happens to a bicycle wheel when it is bent beyond repair. The impact may have been caused through an accident, an incident or series of events with emotional, psychological or spiritual trauma leaving you feeling devastated, hollow, incapacitated, or totally wasted, incapable of taking action. Indicators of this critical condition may include high degrees of sensitivity, burnout, reactive behaviours, bouts of crying, anger, rage or depression, and a general incapacity to cope.

Stress can be a killer. We suggest that you seek medical help if you are in a position where you cannot help yourself. What distinguishes coaching from therapy, among other things, is that a coaching session always ends by designing action that the coachee commits to take between sessions. It’s the right action taken at the right time and in the right way that empowers us and transforms our lives.

Getting Oriented

Once you’ve’ve listened to the Healing Pause Guided Meditation and your mind is quiet and at peace, you are ready to begin. Download the Wheel of Life Assessment Tool on the top right hand of this page and follow the simple step by step guidelines.

Locating The Wobble

You will inherently know the problem area in your life that causes you to wobble, although you may have found a creative way to hide it from yourself. When you pay special attention to how you feel about the various aspects of your life, your body will give you feedback energetically. The Wheel of Life Assessment Process, is a wonderful way of getting in touch with your feelings and recognizing them as your body’s way of communicating with you.  Reflect on the areas of your life that make you feel strong, energized and happy and give yourself time to experience the response in your body. Now, reflect on the aspects of your life that make you feel weak, depressed, sad, angry or despondent. By tuning into your feelings, you are engaging your body’s feedback system to help you identify what is working in your life.

When you find an area or aspect of your life that makes you feel wobbly, STOP. Quiet your mind and get in touch (through your feelings) with what it is about this area that’s causing you to wobble. What is causing the warp? What action can you take to correct it?


Truing your life requires self-honesty and is a matter of tweaking. Getting in touch with your values – what matters; clarifying your vision – What you Want and then, making small adjustments to improve alignment and balance. Accepting what is, without judgment, including your habits of avoidance, neglect, self sabotage and abuse along with the recognition of your inherent talents, passions, and developed skills and releasing what no longer serves you to create space for the new you that seeks to find expression. Monitoring progress and celebrating successes helps you stay on course, focused and intentional.

Remember, small steps create big changes. Sometimes a shift in attitude is all that’s required to create favorable conditions for a happier life. Taking time to reflect on what’s working, and why, creates awareness that gives rise to  opportunities to make new and better choices.

Truing as Practice

Once you have trued your life, you can make Truing part of your daily rituals, acknowledging what’s working and releasing what’s not, clearing out debris and the toxic byproducts of daily living. You’ll come to recognize the sound and feel and look of your life, when true and will want to keep it that way. It will offer you a smooth, even and balanced ride, one that you can take pride and pleasure in.

These instructions speak to basic life balance corrections you can create on your own. Developing the skills to rebalance your life will give you confidence and an even keel and make you popular with your friends and family.


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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at