KAIZEN has two meanings. In Sanskrit, kaizen means, “renew the heart and make it good.” In Japanese, kai means continuous and zen means improvement. In Japan, kaizen is a philosophy, a system of coherence to continuous improvement practices that focuses on process improvements and total quality management…doing more with less, that we, in the West, have come to know as LEAN and Six Sigma.
The kaizen philosophy recognizes that small, gentle, pro active steps taken to improve processes minimize the need for large-scale change that’s often disruptive or worse, can lead to a state of paralysis. The practice engages all involved and recognizes problems and challenges as opportunities to eliminate waste of all kinds
- time wasters
- energy wasters
- space-use waste
- resource waste
Kaizen 5S Principles offer a structure and method to support continuous improvement processes and create efficiencies in life. And so, kaizen, as an approach becomes a way of life that gives you time and energy to spare.
The Kaizen Leadership Institute training and coaching programs are inspired by these two meanings of the word kaizen. Our approach is two-directional and recognizes the need to heed, respond to and integrate internal and external realities.
It is based on several fundamental insights.
- Our physical world can be managed by change. We can change place, furnishings, renovate…
- Our psychological world, however, can only be managed by choice.
To change ourselves and our reality we have to accept full responsibility for ourselves and make our choices consciously.
The Kaizen Authentic Mindful Leadership program provides opportunities for experiential learning and personal growth. The application of the KAIZEN ACT Model, supports you in this process.
The ACT model represents a process that consists of three primary steps. You ACT:
- Accept reality – see the situation, shift perspective, assess the situation, accept responsibility
- Consider Options and Choose – do a personal SWOT analysis, Make a choice
- Take Action – Set direction, prepare for action
The KAIZEN Self-Actualization Model, on the other hand, helps you ensure the conscious choices you are making are centered and harmonize with your vision and purpose, enhancing self awareness and self-empowerment by helping you “renew your heart and making it good”
- Tune-in
- Identify inner authentic Self
- Nurture authentic Self
- Radiate authentic Self
- Take inspired action
- Acknowledge expanded, authentic Self in action
Our coaching and training leadership development programs help you put it all together. There are very few people who can do it alone. If you think you are one of them, then the Kaizen Home-Study Program – Energize the Leader Within is the program for you. There are 4 paths to choose from. Each one offers unique features and benefits. Choose the one that’s right for you.
At Kaizen Leadership Institute, we are always only a phone call or an email away for Just In Time Coaching support.